Enameled Copper Wire Demand Soars: Exploring the Factors Behind the Surge

Recently, several peers from the same electromagnetic wire industry have visited Tianjin Ruiyuan Electrical Materials Co., Ltd. Among them are manufacturers of enameled wire, multi-strand litz wire, and special alloy enameled wire. Some of these are leading companies in the magnet wire industry. Participants engaged in friendly exchanges about the current market prospects of the industry and the forefront of product technology.

At the same time, an interesting question is discussed: why has the demand for electromagnetic wire increased dozens of times compared to thirty years ago? It is remembered that in the late 1990s, if an electromagnetic wire company produced nearly 10,000 tons annually, it was considered a super large-scale enterprise, which was very rare at the time. Now, there are companies that produce more than several hundred thousand tons annually, and there are more than a dozen such large-scale enterprises in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions of China. This phenomenon indicates that the market demand for electromagnetic wire has increased dozens of times. Where is all this copper wire being consumed? The analysis by the participants revealed the following reasons:

1. Increased Industrial Demand: Copper is an important industrial raw material, widely used in power, construction, transportation, communications, and other fields. With the development of the global economy and the acceleration of industrialization, the demand for copper materials has also increased.

2. Development of Green Energy and Electric Vehicles: With the emphasis on clean energy and environmental protection technologies, the rapid development of the new energy industry and the electric vehicle market has also driven the increased demand for copper materials because electric vehicles and new energy equipment require a large amount of copper wire and electronic components.

3. Infrastructure Construction: Many countries and regions are increasing their efforts in infrastructure construction, including building power grids, railways, bridges, and buildings, all of which require large amounts of copper as building materials and electrical equipment raw materials.

4. New Demand Leading to New Growth: For example, the increase and popularization of various household appliances and the increase in personal items such as mobile phones. These products all use copper as a main raw material.

The demand for copper materials is increasing, which also makes the price and market demand for copper continue to rise. The price of Tianjin Ruiyuan’s products is positively correlated with international copper prices. Recently, due to the substantial increase in international copper prices, Tianjin Ruiyuan has had to appropriately increase its selling prices. However, please rest assured that when copper prices fall, Tianjin Ruiyuan will also reduce the price of electromagnetic wire. Tianjin Ruiyuan is a company that keeps its promises and values its reputation!

Post time: Jun-03-2024